Korobeynikov D.A., Telitchenko D.N. Elements of Adaptation of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Vegetable Companies to the External Environment

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.2.8

Korobeynikov Dmitriy Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Insurance,
Financial and Economic Analysis,
Volgograd State Agrarian University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 26, 400002 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Telitchenko Dmitriy Nikolaevich
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Law and Litigation,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (Branch)
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Premises of Volgobiosintez OJSC, 404171 Svetly Yar District, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation

Abstract. In this article the authors note that the priorities of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of agricultural enterprises specializing in vegetable production belong to the sphere of management. It is connected with the need to adapt their management systems to dynamic environmental conditions in order to minimize the risk factors. On the basis of the systematic approach and such scientific methods as analysis, synthesis and simulation, the authors elaborate a model of adaptation of management system of vegetable-growing enterprises to the external environment. The model includes three elements: 1) the principles of adaptation; 2) the elements of adaptation mechanism, including specific functions and structural features of monitoring; 3) assessment indicators. They explain why the essence of management should be considered in the unity of its two aspects: the process (general and specific control functions) and structure (hierarchy and organization of management system of vegetable-growing enterprises). Within the context of the process approach they prove the need to supplement the general and specific management functions by the complementary risk management procedures, which provide the adaptivity of control system to risky environmental conditions. They give the substantial characteristics of the proposed procedures and methods of risk management, which complete the specific control function in the context of the three stages of the management cycle – adoption, implementation and monitoring of management decisions realization. The proposed approach links the technological aspects of management to its basic manifestations as functions realized in the environment of mutual influence of external (macroeconomic and industrial environment) and internal (sphere of interaction of managing and managed subsystems) risks. They complete the principles of structural optimization of management system by strengthening the role of elements that interact with the environment. In the assessment block they present the computational procedure for determining analytical indicators and the expected results of optimization influence. The sphere of realization of the proposed model has no clear limits. The universality of the principles of adaptation of management functions to environmental factors gives the possibility to use the model in the management system of enterprises in different economic spheres.

Key words: organizational and economic mechanism of management, management system, management functions, management structure, risks, external environment.

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Elements of Adaptation of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Vegetable Companies to the External Environment by Korobeynikov D.A., Telitchenko D.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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