Polyntsev I.D., Orlova A.A. Comparative Analysis of Enterprises Functioning in the Field of Nanoindustry in Germany and in the Russian Federation

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.1.14

Polyntsev Ivan Dmitrievich
Postgraduate Student, Department of International and Regional Economy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Orlova Anastasiya Andreevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Head of Department of Science, Innovation and Academic Staff Training,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article explains the development of the comparative analysis of the nanoindustry’s formation and functioning in various countries. Such comparative analysis would decrease the elaboration costs of effective solutions created for domestic economy. The article presents the diverse aspects of conducting the comparative analysis of enterprises according to their size, location, resources, profile, relation to basic structure and infrastructure, whether they form clusters which have well organized links with other enterprises functioning in Russian and German nanoindustry. The authors of the article discover the nanoindustry’s time, sectoral and space formation peculiarities in Russia and Germany, which are involved in the global trend of nanoindustry’s formation and development in different starting conditions. Thus, the authors take into account regional differences in state support and integration cooperation and nanogoods and services market expansion features in both countries. The authors present the differences in state nanotechnology and nanoindustry policy. After having investigated the operation of German and Russian nanoindustrial enterprises, the authors concluded that there is a lack of official statistical data in domestic nanoindustry economy. Currently, nanotechnologies’ and nano-relevant products’ statistics and the system of international standards in nanotechnology in Russia are being elaborated. Despite the problems, which prevent proper nanotechnological development, namely uncertain bounds, interdisciplinarity, dynamic and global nature and ambiguity of evolution ways, full and timely data in this sphere is an inalienable part of the nanotechnology’s efficient work.
Key words: nanoindustry, nanotechnologies, action plan on nanoinitiatives, nanotechnological enterprises, nanoindustry infrastructure.

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Comparative Analysis of Enterprises Functioning in the Field of Nanoindustry in Germany and in the Russian Federation by Polyntsev I.D., Orlova A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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