Sidorov S.G. Staff Training for Nanoindustry in Russia


Sidorov Sergey Grigoryevich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian History,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The nanotechnology industry represents such a direction of the development of science, technologies and industries by means of which Russia will be able to achieve advanced positions in the world. For the last decade the necessary regulatory base for nanotech industry development was created in the country, beginning with the concept of nanotechnological works, and the strategy of nanotech industry development, and finishing by the program of nanotech industry development in Russia till 2015. The special place is allocated for education in the field of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. The system of staff training for nanotech industry is developing very quickly. The departments of nanotechnologies are established almost in all leading higher education institutions of Russia, the institutes of scientific and educational centers as well as the centers of collective use are introduced in the country, the national nanotechnological network is functioning. RUSNANO State Corporation of Nanotechnologies makes significant contribution to the training of innovation staff. The corporation is planning to create at least 100 educational programs of staff training and retraining for the needs of nanotech industry. The fund of infrastructure and educational programs was established in RUSNANO which in 2012 launched the project on creation of training system in the field of nanotechnology in the e-Learning mode. In 2013 the fund created the autonomous non-profit organization “Electronic Education for Nanotech Industry” (“eNano”) which became the leading developer of innovative branch educational resources and the operator on rendering educational services for nanotech industry. Since 2011 in RUSNANO there is a School League which set for itself the task to make the contribution to improvement of the situation in teaching naturalscience disciplines at schools. At the same time, according to the results of students enrolment in Russia in 2011-2014, the above-mentioned activities of RUSNANO School League are obviously not sufficient. The author makes conclusion on the necessity of taking measures at the state level both on improving the teaching practice at schools, and on increasing the level of nanotech industry attractiveness in the eyes of youth.
Key words: nanotech industry, staff training, scientific and educational centers, centers of collective use, RUSNANO, electronic education.

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Staff Training for Nanoindustry in Russia by Sidorov S.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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