Oleynik O.S., Latigan E.V. The Formation of Data on Nanotechnological Processes

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.1.8

Oleynik Olga Stepanovna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Honoured Economist of the Russian Federation,
Head of Territorial Department of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Volgograd Region
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Volodarskogo St., 1, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Latigan Elena Viktorovna
Head of Department of Labor, Science and Education Statistics of Territorial Department
of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Volgograd Region
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Volodarskogo St., 1, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents the statistical monitoring of the main trends of nanotechnology development in Russia, as well as the review of the modern programs and documents devoted to urgent issues of nanotechnology development. The formation of system of statistical monitoring of nanotechnologies development in the Russian Federation includes the development of methodology and tools of statistical supervision over creation, commercialization, the use of nanotechnologies, and also the nanotechnological production. The authors carry out the analysis of the main directions and structure of co-funding of “The Program of nanotech industry development in the Russian Federation till 2015”. The sources of official statistical data on nanotechnologies in Russia are considered. The purpose of forming this essentially new direction of statistics consists in the creation of system of collecting, processing and submission of the regular, systematized and complex data which are adequately reflecting the state, the level of development and the prospects of nanotechnological sphere capacity which provide informational support to state policy and adoption of reasonable administrative decisions. The authors describe the system of statistical observations in the sphere of nanotechnologies. Today the statistics of nanotechnologies in Russia remains at the stage of formation and modernization according to the international standards, being supplemented every year with the new indicators which allow investigating different sides and tendencies of nanotech industry development. Nowadays the following aspects of the activity connected with nanotechnologies have already being studied by means of statistical methods: scientific research and developments; creation and use of nanotechnologies; demand for staff; production, including the innovative one.
Key words: nanotechnologies, nanotech industry, statistics of nanotechnologies, statistical monitoring, statistical methods.

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The Formation of Data on Nanotechnological Processes by Oleynik O.S., Latigan E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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