Avtonomova O.A. The Mechanism of Russian Nanoindustry Development Caused by Globalization: Methods and Tools

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu3.2015.1.6

Avtonomova Oksana Alekseevna
Postgraduate Student, Department of International and Regional Economy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Establishing the effective mechanism of the Russian nanoindustry functioning by means of globalization benefits is one of the most important factors of raising the national economy competitiveness in the context of transition to a new technological way. Nanotechnologies is one of the key factors of this new way. The mechanism of nanoindustrial development of the Russian Federation caused by globalization is characterized in the article as a way of task-oriented implementation and management of the global nanotechnology industry development on the basis of cooperation of entities at different levels of the global economic system using the appropriate methods, tools, resources and communication channels, factors and capitals. The mechanism aims at adjusting the described contradictions faced by Russian entities in their business activities in the sphere of production, consumption and promotion of nanotechnologies, nanogoods and nanoservices. Within the framework of a theoretical research the author proposes the classification of methods and tools for the development of the Russian nanoindustry through the international cooperation by the criteria of economic functions: planning, institution, organization, management, investment, finance, information, analysis, control – all aimed at promoting the unification of concepts and actions of collaborating entities in the sphere of nanotechnology. The developed methodology of the international nanoindustrial interaction of Russian entities includes the result-oriented, institutional, organizational, budgetary, investment, tax, informative, and administrative methods, as well as analysis, audit, accounting and evaluation. Besides, the article proves the feasibility of marketing tools application in the sphere of nanoindustrial cooperation aimed at developing a more efficient strategy of promoting products with nanofeatures to the global market.
Key words: nanoindustry, nanoindustrialization, globalization, methods of economic mechanism, nanoindustry development, international nanoindustrial cooperation.

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The Mechanism of Russian Nanoindustry Development Caused by Globalization: Methods and Tools by Avtonomova O.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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