Inshakov O.V., Kryukova E.V. Special Economic Zones as a Nanoindustry Development Institute: Failures, Problems and Prospects


Inshakov Oleg Vasilyevich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,
President of Volgograd State University,
Head of Scientific and Educational Center “Economics of Nanoindustry”
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Kryukova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Assistant Professor, Department of Management,
Astrakhan State University
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Tatishcheva St., 20a, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the contradictions arising from the formation and operation of special economic zones (SEZ) of Russia as the institutes of national nanoindustry (NNI) in 2006-2013. The specific deficiencies in the management of SEZ JSC are identified. The author reveals uneven and delayed development, structural imbalances, decreased liability or destructive activities of stakeholders, insufficient activity of resident companies and related groups, the high degree of uncertainty in achieving profitability and efficiency of the SEZ. The drawbacks of state support for the development of SEZs in the NNI, braking and acceleration mechanisms of this process are shown. The necessity of introducing a more effective mechanism for the stimulation of the Russias NNI SEZ development with the use of not only preferences, guarantees and benefits, but also the sanctions to residents, their partners and contractors in the construction process and in the performance of tasks is argued. The idea of the feasibility of establishing SEZ on the initiative of regional authorities and entrepreneurs at the expense of private investment and development budgets of the Russian Federation for significant recovery of the accumulation process in the NNI and reducing the cost of public investment is put forward. The creation of the General Scheme of the NNI SEZ network in Russia in view of the allocation of resources, production and infrastructure dislocation, scope and vectors of firms, is justified. The conclusions are confirmed by the materials of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development monitoring and the audit of the Accounts Chamber.
Key words: special economic zones, development criteria, development institutes, economic policy, stakeholders, residents, nanoindustry, investments, infrastructure, clusters, networks.

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Special Economic Zones as a Nanoindustry Development Institute: Failures, Problems and Prospects by Inshakov O.V., Kryukova E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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