Solodovnikov D.A., Kursakova N.A. The Protective Properties of Common Reed Plantations on Shores of the Lower Volga Region

Solodovnikov Denis Anatolyevich
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Geography and Cartography,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Kursakova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Postgraduate Student,
Department of Geography and Cartography,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The abrasion processing of shores is a pressing problem of large water basins of the Lower Volga region and other Russian regions. About 3 km2 of shoreland is annually lost in the zone of the Volgograd water basin as a result of this process. The existing methods of shores protection are connected with the creation of concrete structures having a high level of erosion resistance. They are extremely expensive and in most cases they are not affordable for rural municipalities suffering from abrasion. The authors offer cheap and environmentally friendly way of protecting the shores of large water basins from abrasion. The method is based on the plantation of a common reed strip on a water basin’s shallow. The biological characteristics of common reed as the main component of shore protection structures are described. The terms and milestones of the work in the conditions of the Volgograd water basin are developed. The main result of applying our methodology is the complete cessation of abrasion processing of the shore at the corresponding piece of land. The authors overview the positive qualities of reed plantations, their biocenotic, barrier and waterproof role in on-shore ecosystems. The application of the described method will allow saving for the national economy dozens of hectares of valuable shore lands annually, in particular, irrigated cropland, settlement lands, infrastructure. In addition to the direct benefits associated with the conservation of land resources, the intensity of adverse processes associated with erosion of shores (water basin muddying, deterioration of sanitary qualities of water) will decrease. Due to the wide geographic spread of common reed described in the present work, the technology of shores stabilization can be applied at almost all lowland water basins of Russia.
Key words: reed, higher aquatic vegetation, abrasion, protection of water basin shores, Lower Volga region.

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The Protective Properties of Common Reed Plantations on Shores of the Lower Volga Region by Solodovnikov D.A., Kursakova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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