Bogomolova I.V. Extrapolational Look at the Current State of Territorial Strategic Planning in Russia

Bogomolova Irina Viktorovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Social and Economic Development,
Department of Economic Development of the Volgograd Administration
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Lenina St., 25, 400066 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Since the 90s, the ideas on territorial strategic planning have been progressively disseminated in Russia. A growing number of cities, regions and macroregions recognized the urgency of finding their individual path of development which would ensure the successful implementation of strategic plans. The author of the article distinguishes four stages of formation and development of territorial strategic planning in modern Russia on the basis of retrospective analysis. The special attention is paid to the contemporary period which started after the adoption of the Federal Law of June 28, 2014 no. 172 “On strategic planning in the Russian Federation” regulating the activity of federal, regional and municipal authorities in the field of strategic planning and management. For the first time in more than 20 years the common requirements to the system of strategic planning were established in Russia at the level of the legislative act. The strategic planning is officially recognized as the most important element in the system of strategic management contributing to the creation of conditions for sustainable territorial development. The author grounds the expediency and proves the necessity of legislative adoption of norms and principles of the strategic planning. The municipal level as an equal member of the strategic planning process is included in the system of strategic planning. In accordance with the adopted law, the strategies for socioeconomic development of the territory of the RF subject can be worked out in the region (for example, for several municipalities). It is necessary to develop specific goals, objectives and directions of development for each territory. This creates the conditions for planning the development of metropolitan areas as the territories of advanced development, as well as large intermunicipal investment projects and programs. On the basis of experience of strategic planning in Volgograd, the author makes constructive suggestions for improvement and revision of current law, including the adoption of additional regulatory legal acts of methodological character.
Key words: strategic management, strategic planning, territorial development, large cities, indicators.

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Extrapolational Look at the Current State of Territorial Strategic Planning in Russia by Bogomolova I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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