Katkovа M.A., Mityaeva N.V. Аsymmetry of Structural Institutional and Technological Changes in Economy


Katkovа Marina Andreevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Institutional Economics and Economic Security,
Head of the Department of Research Work Organization,
Saratov State Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
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Radishcheva St., 89, 410003 Saratov, Russian Federation
Mityaeva Nataliya Vyacheslavovna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Department of General Economic Theory,
Dean of the Faculty of Master Courses,
Saratov State Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
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Radishcheva St., 89, 410003 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the research on interrelation between institutional and technological changes. The authors provide the convincing argument in favor of the thesis on asymmetry of structural, institutional and technological changes. The complex of analytic methods is used in the work – comparative statics, static analysis, dynamic analysis. The analysis results in the conclusion on strengthening the heterogeneity, instability and uncertainty of the social and economic phenomena and processes. The authors comprehend structural changes as the changes in ratios and proportions of economic structure. They point to the emergence of new integrated characteristics and describe the synergetic effect of the general development. The use of the theory of technological modes allowed allocating radical and local shifts. The particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of reversible and irreversible structural and technological shifts as a special form of structural and technological changes. The application of the method of institutional statics and dynamics is effective in the analysis of technological and institutional symmetry / asymmetry. The emergence of negative institutional changes is explained by insufficient, inadequate or fragmentary assimilation of market institutes. The institutes interfering the innovative development stand against the institutes of innovative development. The institutional traps of structural and technological transformations are subdivided by authors into the traps of micro- and macrolevel. The authors point to the difficulty of assessing the institutes of microlevel by means of statistical data. They suggest using the phenomena which are under the control of authorities and subject to regulation as indicators. To define the opportunities of institutional management and the borders of government intervention the authors investigate in detail the institutional traps. They include moral and psychological unreadiness to innovations (scepticism, nihilism, disinclination to risk, disinclination to changes, “problems evasion”), demotivation of subjects’ innovative behavior, incompetence in the system of macroeconomic policy, non- complementarity of the institutional environment of innovative activity which appeared on the joint of institutional and technological changes, and maintaining institutional inertia in the Russian economy. It is proved that the asymmetry of institutional and technological structures of economy is generated by the nature of institutional and technological dynamics.
Key words: institute, technologies, institutional traps, innovations, transformations.

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Аsymmetry of Structural Institutional and Technological Changes in Economy by Katkovа M.A., Mityaeva N.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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