Leonovich A.N. Defense Industry of the Russian Federation at the End of 20th-Beginning of the 21st Century


Leonovich Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Deputy Head of the Department of Social Sciences,
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus
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Prosp. Nezavisimosti, 220, 220057 Minsk, Belarus

Abstract. In the developed countries claiming for global leadership permanent military and industrial complexes were formed. These complexes produce high-tech products and play the key system-forming role in the economies of their states. Country’s position in world economy as well as its position at the weapons and military equipment market depends on the military and industrial complexes development. At the end of the 20th century, there had been great changes in the military and industrial complex of the Russian Federation. Drastic remission and demerger accompanied these changes unlike those in the Unites States and Western Europe. These processes were determined by inconsiderate defense conversion, reduction of expenses and the loss of weapons and military equipment production. At the beginning of the 21st century, Russian Federation government has changed its attitude towards the military and industrial complex. Main directions of surmounting the crisis were found through creation of military and industrial corporations, increase of state defense order in the favor of national Armed Forces. Development of state-owned corporations and significant increase in financial allocations for state defense order promoted the growth of military and industrial companies’ activity and rise in weapons and military equipment export. All above-listed processes of Russian military and industrial complexes predetermined the scientific and pragmatic interest for this research.

Key words: military and industrial complex, public corporations, state defense order, weapons and military equipment production, weapons and military equipment export.

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Defense Industry of the Russian Federation at the End of 20th-Beginning of the 21st Century by Leonovich A.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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