Inshakova E.I. Development of Alternative Power Industry Based on Nanotechnologies: Forecast Effects for Russian Economy

Inshakova Elena Ivanovna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of International and Regional Economy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetskу, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The aspiration of countries to achieve sustainable economic growth by reducing the energy dependence of the main suppliers of energy resources and by increasing national energy security induces in the conditions of increasing competition between participants in the global energy market the necessity to intensify the use of internal development resources, including the introduction of energy-saving technologies and development of alternative power industry. The urgency of the problems of international competitiveness achievement based on the energy security strengthening, solution of which largely determines the directions of the energy sector development, is increasingly recognized in many countries, including Russia. Timeliness of preparation to the use of substitute innovative energy resources and energy sources, while the traditional fossil fuels are dwindling, is marked as one of the most important principles of the state policy of Russia. All these factors update the development of domestic alternative energy in accordance with the megatrends of the world energy sector. The prospects for the development of modern energy, especially alternative, are associated by many experts with the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Nanotechnologies contribute to the new opportunities for the use of renewable energy sources and a significant contribution to the production and conservation of energy. The main directions of the effective use of nanotechnologies in the energy sector are: the use of renewable sources; energy storage; reducing the consumption of materials; the use of alternative materials. On the example of the world and Russian practice of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials use in the sphere of wind and solar energy the basic effects of their application, important for the development of alternative energy and of the Russian national economy as a whole, are identified in the article. The most important effects include strengthening the energy security of the country; improving the efficiency of electricity generation; reducing the cost of production of electrical energy produced from renewable sources; decreasing the wholesale energy market prices due to the increased supply of alternative energy that meets the interests of consumers; gaining economic advantages as a country - leader in the sphere of new energy technologies development.

Key words: alternative power industry, renewable energy sources, solar energy, wind energy, nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, nanoindustry, economic effects.

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Development of Alternative Power Industry Based on Nanotechnologies: Forecast Effects for Russian Economy by Inshakova E.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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