Sidorov V.A., Bolik A.V. Modernization Breakthrough: Search for Innovations at the Comprador Market

Sidorov Viktor Aleksandrovich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Theoretical Economy,
Kuban State University
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Stavropolskaya St., 149, 350040 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Bolik Anastasiya Viktorovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Economic Theory,
Kuban State Technological University
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Moskovskaya St., 2, 350072 Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Abstract. Formation of the economy based on a new technological basis, a new cycle of scientific and technical progress, suggests the involvement of the innovative development factors. Among these new techniques we should mention technology, organization and motivation of labor, qualified labor force, management innovation, intellectual potential. This, in turn, implies broad development of inventions, the appearance of the pioneer and major inventions, the formation of innovation as well as their distribution. The article deals with the problem of the susceptibility of the Russian economy to innovative production methods. The authors examine the socio-economic background of modernization of the national economy. It is proved that the human capital plays special role in the use, development and coordination of innovative growth factors. The problems of formation and development of human capital in modern Russia are discussed. The necessity of forming and analyzing the indicators of social capital in the country, which takes into account the socio-political stability, law and order, protection from corruption, income differentiation, mutual trust. A critical analysis of the most important indicators of innovation activity of enterprises, allows to identify the factors that promote and prevent its increase. It is proved that a low level of innovation activity of enterprises due to inadequate funding of science and education, and the sharp differences in income inequality hamper the development of the infrastructure of the innovation process. The authors disclose the role of start-ups, as an effective framework for the implementation of innovations and objectify the parameters of economic growth suggesting to concentrate resources on innovation.

Key words: business, innovations, modernization, infrastructure, economic growth, income.

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Modernization Breakthrough: Search for Innovations at the Comprador Market by Sidorov V.A., Bolik A.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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