Piskun E.I. The Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Strategy of Innovative Development of Industrial and Economic Systems


Piskun Elena Ivanovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Finance and Credit,
Sevastopol State University
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Universitetskaya St., 33, 299053 Sevastopol, Russian Federation

Abstract. The simulation model of the factor characteristics interaction has been developed within the framework of implementation of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the strategy of innovative development of the IES. It allowed us to assess the impact of the key levers and indicators on the overall IA IES level and evaluate the effectiveness of its individual components. As shown by calculations of the scenario modeling, the optimum scenario is that which provides increase of innovative activity of the IES. The events of this scenario such as modernization of technological processes, establishment of its own Department of research and new equipment development, the transition to the new GMP standards, significantly increase the IA level and, accordingly, they must be firstly implemented in the General system of IA IES management. As a result, not only the growth of IA level will increase, but the overall IA level of the field will raise.

Key words: innovative activity (IA), industrial and economic system (IES), strategy of innovative development, effectiveness, simulation and scenario modeling.

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The Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Strategy of Innovative Development of Industrial and Economic Systems by Piskun E.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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