Kudinova G.E. The Paradigm of Transition of Russia and its Regions to “Green Economy” and Sustainable Development


Kudinova Galina Eduardovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Head of the Group of Environmental Economics,
Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin, RAS
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Komzina St., 10, 445003, Togliatti, Russian Federation

Abstract. In this article the analysis of major factors of degradation of environment at the global level and at the level of the Russian Federation is carried out, the strategies of development of the civilization, based on the principles of “sustainable development” and “green economy” are considered.

The author analyzes the tools of “green economy” and the contribution of “green” sector to the development of some states. These factors allow solving the environmental problems which have existed since the beginning of nature management process and to move to a new model of civilization development ensuring social justice, to increase welfare of people and to reduce anthropogenic load on environment.
The analysis revealed that Russia needs a new model of growth and economic development, providing integration of socio-economic and environmental development in the form of “green economy”. Russia can move to a new model of development only upon the condition of regions’ transition to sustainable development and “green economy”, taking into account regional features. It is proved that the potential of forming the new economy in Russia is represented by the territories, major forest and wetlands, freshwater resources, rich biodiversity, not involved in economic activity.

Key words: environmental problems, “green economy”, sustainable development, innovative strategies, environment.

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The Paradigm of Transition of Russia and its Regions to “Green Economy” and Sustainable Development by Kudinova G.E. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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