Antamoshkina E.N. Estimation of Food Security Level in Volgograd Region

Antamoshkina Elena Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the estimation of food security indicators in Volgograd region. The author’s method of analysis is used, the main advantage of which is quick assessment of food security in the region through the integrated system of indicators: economic and physical availability of food, self-sufficiency in basic types of food production. The indicators and criteria of estimating regional food security mentioned in the article allow assessing its level in points as far as Volgograd region is concerned. Depending on the number of points, the security level can be characterized as optimal, acceptable or low.
The analysis of economic availability of food involves consideration of a number of indicators according to the criteria that take into account: the percentage of population with the income less than minimal living wages; relative share of meal expenses in the structure of household expenditure on final consumption; unevenness degree of population distribution by income level. The overall level of economic availability of food determines the possibility of acquiring food, depending on the income rate of population and price level.
The calculations have shown that food security in Volgograd region is at the acceptable level. At this, there are some threats to food security in the region connected with a high level of income differentiation, growth of price index on food and, as a consequence, a significant share of meal expenses in the structure of household consumption expenditure. 
The obtained results of the estimation are necessary for timely adjustment of methods and tools of agricultural policy on ensuring food security in Volgograd region. 

Key words: food security in the region, indicators and evaluation criteria of the regional food security, economic availability of food, level of food self-sufficiency in the region, standards and amount of food consumption.

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Estimation of Food Security Level in Volgograd Region by Antamoshkina E.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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