Poluboyarov V.V. Informational System of Planning and Reporting on the Scientific and Technical Activities as an Element of Strategic Management of Educational Institution


Poluboyarov Valeriy Viktorovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Informational Systems and Machine Simulation,
Head of the Administration of Informatization and Telecommunications,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the problems of implementing standard informational analytical systems in the university activity. The author explains the possibility of using the ontology-driven approach for the design of such system and justifies the need to find individual composite solution for each educational institution. He also describes the environmental factors that affect the organization of higher education process and substantiated the urgency of applying the methods of strategic management of programs development. The problem of formalization of business processes related to the research work is formulated.
The author analyzes the problem of accounting the data on scientific and technical activities held in universities as an element of the strategic management system of an educational institution. The article contains the description of the IDEF0-based model of business processes “Management of research work” created by the author. The author determines the purpose of constructing such a model, its inputs and outputs, as well as the regulations applicable to this process and corresponding subprocesses. On the basis of this model, the ontology of object domain “Accounting the scientific and technical activities” is worked out. The author defines the scope of ontology and the range of its issues.
The author proposes the tool for recording the mentioned data as a configuration module on the platform “1C: Enterprise” and the method of publication of mentioned data using a system component “1C-Bitrix Website Administration” at the portal of university. The article deals with the functions of the developed module, defines the structure of the portal as a set of static content and interactive information services. The administrative, organizational and technological advantages of the resulting system are described.
Key words: education institution strategic management, decision support system, ontologydriven software development, scientific and technical activities accounting, university website.

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Informational System of Planning and Reporting on the Scientific and Technical Activities as an Element of Strategic Management of Educational Institution by Poluboyarov V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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