Elena V. Khisteva

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Economic Security, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after M. TuganBaranovsky, Shchorsa St, 32, 283050 Donetsk, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. The article provides a critical analysis of the content of corporate governance, which is a system of management actions fixed by the internal documents of the corporation and aimed at achieving its goals, and the corporate approach to business process management, the main difference of which is the interest of all participants in business projects, regardless of the form of ownership of capital. The role of the corporate approach in solving state tasks is defined, the basis of which is determined by the state’s presence in the implementation of individual projects, performing the functions of a co-owner of resources, coordinating the activities of all participants, and controlling the results of the project, including intermediate ones. Monitoring of the condition of life-support facilities in the cities of the Donetsk People’s Republic was carried out, the results of which indicate large-scale destruction of social and industrial infrastructure and housing stock. The results of the study of the state and dynamics of the restoration work allowed us to draw conclusions about the heterogeneity of damaged objects in terms of the degree of damage, the period of destruction, and the prospects for restoration. The study of the dynamics of certain types of construction work indicates the need for the active participation of the state in the restoration of both infrastructure facilities and apartment buildings. The problems of carrying out restoration work are formulated, which consist of the need for the state to participate in the engineering and project support of restoration work, especially at certain significant facilities, the provision of complex special equipment, and the high resource intensity of the projects being implemented.

Key words: corporate governance, corporate approach, social and industrial infrastructure, housing stock, donor region, restoration work, state program, state corporation.

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CORPORATE APPROACH TO SOLVING GOVERNMENT TASKS: INDUSTRYASPECT by Khisteva E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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