Elena G. Revtova

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Banking and Insurance, Orenburg State University, Prosp. Pobedy, 13, 460000 Orenburg, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. The subject of the study is credit as a system object. The aim is to develop a model of intrasystem of credit goals. Hypothesis of the study. It is assumed that the contradictions in the credit system serve as a source of its development can be used to manage its development. Methods. The study was carried out on the basis of systemic, target and categorical scientific-methodological approaches with the application of methods of critical analysis of scientific literature, generalization, systematization, categorical method “Order of goals”. Results: 1) three structural levels of credit goals (Super-goal, Goal, Sub-goal) were identified; 2) a categorical model of credit was developed; 3) seven types of contradictions in the system of credit goals (four types of internal contradictions between its components and three types of external contradictions with the environment) were studied; 4) approaches to managing contradictions in the credit system, aimed at its sustainable and progressive development were suggested. Conclusions. 1) The study of contradictions in the system of credit goals showed that they are a complex, are divided into external and internal, are hierarchical in nature, can be managed from the outside. 2) The revealed contradictions in the system of credit goals made it possible to create the concept of management of its development, based on the control of their course.

Key words: credit, credit system, credit goals, contradictions between goals, credit development management.

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CREDIT: THE TARGETASPECT by Revtova E.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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