Svetlana I. Nasyrova

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Institute of Education Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Mingazheva St, 120, 450005 Ufa, Russian Federation; Associate Professor, Department of Project Management and Marketing, Bashkir State University, Zaki Validi St, 32, 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract. The need for the development of the economy and its constant modernization in accordance with the demands of the external and internal environment require the construction of a new type of economy that actualizes the key role of human in it. The experience of socio-economic transformations in various countries shows that inattention to a human, his absence as a core-forming element in the economic system contributes to crises and recessions. Accordingly, there is a change of priorities towards a human-oriented economy. The purpose of the study is to develop a typology of the species diversity of a human-oriented economy. The methodological basis of the study was the systemic and categorical-systemic approaches. Methods were applied: content analysis, “Range of information criteria”. The following results of the study were obtained: 1) the variety of types of economic systems is indicated; 2) a typology of the species diversity of a human-oriented economy has been developed on the basis of its fundamental spheres that ensure the satisfaction of human needs, based on its threefold nature; 3) thirty-six types of humancentered economy are identified on the basis of combinations of its core-forming spheres; 4) possible directions of the development of a human-oriented economy are substantiated by identifying its type and determining the vector of “movement” along the trajectory of the species diversity; 5) the possibility of building management mechanisms by determining the current type of human-oriented economy and the image of its desired future is argued; 6) it is substantiated that the typology of the species diversity of a human-oriented economy is the basis for the development of preventive measures to prevent the regressive development. The practical and theoretical value of the conducted research is the possibility of further research to identify the level of development of the human-oriented economy and develop the directions of management decisions on this basis.
Key words: human-centered economy, human, information criteria, core-forming component, economic development, progress, regression, isogress.
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OUTLINES OF THE SPECIES DIVERSITY OF THE HUMAN-ORIENTED ECONOMY by Nasyrova S.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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