Dmitry N. Ershov

Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Researcher, Financial Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Nastas’inskiy Lane, 3, Bld. 2, 127006 Moscow, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract.  The article deals with different approaches of transition to the strategy of “green” growth as a part of systemic government policy. The relevance of the topic is justified not only by the global trend and concern for creating favorable environmental conditions, but also by considerations of the depletion of fossil sources which lead to a necessity to search for alternative energy development. The article presents the analysis of the “green” growth strategy implementation in some countries with their regularities and common features identified, such as setting a goal to achieve carbon neutrality and large-scale investments in the development of alternative energy. In Russia, this policy is now being formed and the main stake is still placed on the use of hydrocarbon raw materials. It is concluded that for the formation of a systemic policy of “green” growth in the Russian Federation, deep socio-economic transformations and changes in environmental and tax legislation are required in order to ensure economic growth without increasing the burden on the environment. The development of the “green” growth lags behind other countries and requires its inclusion in the governmental social and economic policy.
Key words: “green” economy, sustainable development, state policy, carbon neutrality, greening of taxation.
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PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS FOR “GREEN” GROWTH DEVELOPMENT by Ershov D.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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