Ekaterina V. Kryukova

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Astrakhan State University, Tatishcheva St, 20a, 414056 Astrakhan, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Abstract.  The article discusses the prospects for the development of international transport corridors, taking the positive and negative factors into account. The international transport corridor is the backbone of a national or international transport system, which provides significant international freight and passenger traffic between separate geographic areas, taking modern geo-economic conditions into account. The main goal of the prospects for the international transport corridors development is to ensure international transportation and promote the development and strengthening of world economic ties. The shortest and most economically profitable land, water and air communication between the countries of Europe, the Mediterranean, the Near and Middle East with the regions of Russia, as well as the states of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Persian Gulf are carried out through the region of Southern Russia. Therefore, the transport complex of Southern Russia is the most important component of the Russian Federation’s transport system. Analysis of the state of the transport sector of the economy of the South and North Caucasus of Russia based on the results of 2016-2017 shows that the most difficult problems of its development include: a considerable backlog in the material and technical base of transport infrastructure compared to global standards; uneven development of individual industries and territorial complexes of macro-regional transport system; disproportion of infrastructure facilities in the industry; inadequate funding that does not meet the needs for modernization and development of the industry, imperfect mechanisms of its regulation at the federal and regional levels, which is a consequence of the “left-over principle” of the industry development.

Key words: transport system, transport infrastructure, competitiveness of regions, logistics, special economic zones, transport corridors.

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DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS IN RUSSIA by Kryukova E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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