Ksenia Yu. Lashmankina
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Marketing, Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev, Miusskaya Sq., 9, Bld. 1, 125047 Moscow, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Abstract. The article analyzes the essential aspects of the experience economy, its features and functioning mechanisms, as well as the rationality of marketing and its individual concepts in this area. A list of indicators has been determined that reflect the effectiveness of experience marketing at all levels of management: at the macroeconomic level – the share of population spending on culture and entertainment in the structure of GDP; foreign trade potential of creative industries (share in world exports, in %); export of creative goods and services; import of creative goods and services; indicators of tourist flow (international and domestic tourism); NASDAQ index; at the mesoeconomic level – the share of citizens’ spending on culture and entertainment in regional scale; at the microeconomic level – the share of the population’s expenditure on culture and entertainment in the family budget; the company’s customer satisfaction index; sales conversion rate; demand for non-food products; the share of the budget allocated for experience marketing by companies; an indicator of overall consumer loyalty; business profitability ratio. Current trends in the development of the experience economy in the Russian Federation have been identified, as well as problems with its development at the national, regional, and enterprise levels. Based on the analysis of respondent assessments, further potential for expanding the experience economy through the marketing component has been identified. However, existing trends towards expanding this industry and increasing the profitability of businesses operating in this area or associated with it are offset by a number of problems arising in modern operating conditions, namely: at the macro level – the need to increase the efficiency of mechanisms for implementing the development of the experience economy (economic and institutional); insufficient financial support for industries and areas of the experience economy, as well as the necessary infrastructure component; at the micro level – ensuring the NPS and ROI of experience marketing; obtaining a sufficient budget; generating traffic and leads; identifying suitable technologies and their availability; correct targeting. The directions for overcoming them have been identified: at the macro- and mesolevel, the development of effective implementation mechanisms and support for industries and spheres of the experience economy; at the microeconomic level, the development of new methods and tools in the fields of economics and management, marketing and its optimal targets, as well as marketing communications at the enterprise level.
Key words: experience economy, marketing concepts, economy of impressions marketing, business to consumer, business models.
“MARKETING CONCEPTS AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNOLOGY SECTOR ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS AND SERVICES” by Lashmankina K.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.